I make hand-made natural self-care products that are safe for the body AND the environment.
Here's my story...
I was born and raised in the diversity of New York City and Miami. So growing up, I accepted that beauty came in all different sizes, colors, and languages.
For fun, I used to watch YouTube videos and make natural lip scrubs for my friends.
I loved the idea of creating products with at-home ingredients that actually work.
Years later, I decided to make clear lip gloss (because I always loved wearing it). When I asked my friend to try it out, she expressed she didn’t like wearing gloss because it would always dry out her lips.
Leave it to me to take this as a challenge to make her a hydrating and moisturizing clear gloss… And she loved it!
Soon, word spread about me making lip gloss and people began asking for a lip balm instead. Again, I took that as a challenge so I expanded to making natural lip products.
What started as a hobby turned into a passion as I enjoyed the process of creating with my hands and being able to help people find something that worked for them.

When it comes to commercial beauty products, I noticed they’re always marketed in a way that idolizes unnatural beauty “get plumper, pink lips”.
Not only is this unrealistic for me, but for so many other men and women. My passion grew stronger when I realized it was to create something bigger than just natural skin care.
I want to empower people’s natural beauty because I believe you don’t have to become something different to be beautiful.
Our passion is to help both men and women find their confidence from within, from their natural beauty.
As my team and I continue to learn more about cosmetics, natural ingredients, and healthy skin, we will continue to improve our products’ formulas.
Our JuicyLuzy products help prevent, nourish, and treat chapped or dry lips due to excessive lip biting, licking, and environmental exposure.
JuicyLuzy wants you to feel confident in your skin. Because no matter what, your natural beauty is enough and we want you to own that!
XOXO JuicyLuzy